Shouting 'Fore!' After A Shot

Why Do Golfers Shout 'Fore!' When They Do A Wayward Shot?

How does a football team choose its official colour?

How Do Football Teams Choose A Colour?


Why Is The Sports Section At The Back Of The Newspaper?

Tennis ball on court

Why are you allowed two serves in tennis?

White Cliffs of Dover

What Does "Albion" Mean In Football Team Names?

Tennis Racket

What's The Difference Between A Wet and Dry Volley in Tennis?

Andy Murray

Is Andy Murray Still Wimbledon Champion Even Though He Got Knocked Out?

Tennis Serve

Why Do Tennis Players Bounce The Ball Before They Serve?

Unbroken Duck

What Does Breaking Your Duck Mean?


Why Is Rugby Popular In Argentina And Not Anywhere Else In South America?

Golf tee

Where Did The Word ‘Tee’ Come From?

Football match

What Happens If Two Players Score Hat-tricks?

LBC Studio

How Did Referees Decide Whistle Tone For The End Of The Match?