Ian Payne 4am - 7am
27 March 2022, 13:20
Caller: Royal Family have been 'scroungers all their life' and need to go
This caller believes the Royal Family are "a waste of space" and should be removed as the head of state.
"You know they call people on benefits scroungers," Sean in Consett told Tom Swarbrick, getting warmed up to make a point on the Royal Family.
Swarbrick on Sunday hosted a phone-in on the monarchy and whether Britain should rethink it's relationship with the Royal Family.
The conversation comes off the back of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's Caribbean tour, where Prince William announced that he respects the decision of Commonwealth nations to decide their own future – in a trip marred by calls to abolish the monarchy in all three countries visited.
"You've got the biggest family in the country on benefits," the caller told Tom.
Read more: Monarchy will 'support' any decisions by Caribbean nations to become republics
Linda Bellos says Royal Family are not responsible for slavery
Read more: 'They must pay': William and Kate face more slavery controversy in Bahamas
Applying his own logic, Sean said the Royal Family are "scroungers" because "the taxpayers pay" for their salary, similar to someone on benefits.
"The royal family have been scroungers all their life," he said, adding they are a "waste of space."
"There's people struggling to pay their heating and they probably get their heating paid for them."
Tom asked "what feeling" the caller got when he thought of the Royals.
"Nothing. they're a waste of space, mate."