Henry Riley 4am - 7am
Animal Rights Call Takes Shocking Turn "I Do Have Blood On My Hands"
9 August 2019, 11:24 | Updated: 9 August 2019, 11:32
This call about animal rights and deer population control took a shocking turn when the caller admitted to Tom Swarbrick he'd just killed a deer.
During a debate over animal rights this 21-year old Edward called in and equated Christmas dinner to going on a deer shoot.
He said when it came to the Christmas turkey, people have "accepted" in their minds that "accepted that this animal's life can be given up for your benefit."
He told Tom Swarbrick that he didn't see any difference between an animal's life being "given up for economic benefit" or your "personal pleasure of eating an animal."
Tom credited the caller because he had actually been out and killed the animal that he would be eating, so he experienced it first hand and can "make a judgement call about whether it was so awful that you want to eat meat."
Then the caller made a revelation which shocked Tom Swarbrick, he said he was sitting in his car after having just killed a "six point roe buck" while deer stalking.
Tom was left speechless for a moment, before he asked "what did it feel like?"
"It felt like a job that had to be done," the caller said.
Edward said that hunting can be separated into trophy and management. That deer populations have to be managed.
He said the League Against Cruel Sports set up a deer management scheme which ended up with the deer "riddled with disease."
Jokingly Tom said he loved the fact that Edward was sat in his car "flat cap on, tweed jacket on, blood on your hands, the gun still smoking and ringing us up and telling us about shooting a deer.
"I may have been embellishing a bit about what it's like in your car at the moment," Tom said.
Amazingly the caller said "well I do actually have blood on my hands."
Watch the whole video at the top of the page to see Tom Swarbrick's