Clare Foges 6pm - 9pm
Shelagh Fogarty schools "nonsense" caller who said all criminals should be deported
11 February 2020, 16:49
This is the moment Shelagh Fogarty was in utter disbelief at a caller who proposed the UK should "make a business" out of deporting criminals to other countries.
Bill came on the show to propose the UK sends criminals to other countries to make money, inspired by the American "prison industrial complex".
"We could run it like a business," Bill proposed, claiming the UK could get other countries to imprison British criminals for a third of the cost.
Bill stressed that we would be sending the prisoners to another country's prisons, not to the country itself. Shelagh wondered what would happen when we send the prisoners to "Bill land", and how would that country deal with the convicts.
"That's why they have Alcatraz in America, to keep them away from the general population" Bill pointed out. He also made the point that if a convict is in a country thousands of miles away, they won't be appearing on British streets to "stab somebody".
"If they're given a sentence in this country, that is the sentence that applies."
"This is nonsense, it's like meeting a drunk in a pub," Shelagh quipped after failing to see Bill's logic.