Iain Dale 10am - 12pm
7 February 2023, 07:56
Caller shares how police colluded to end marital rape case
Shelagh Fogarty was left almost speechless after hearing how this collusion ended an investigation into the marital rape case of a caller's family friend.
The head of a police team “suddenly stopped all investigations” into a case involving the caller’s family friend who “was raped by her husband multiple times”.
After reporting it to the police who “commenced their investigations as normal,” Bob in Maidstone told Shelagh Fogarty: “The husband then appointed a friend of his who was a former Police Superintendent…to try to infiltrate the investigation into his rapes.”
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That former Police Superintendent had himself been “removed from post for being a sex pest - and this is in the public domain - and seven counts of gross misconduct,” Bob continued.
The head of the team “suddenly stopped all the investigations” and “closed the case”.
The caller added: “The lady was very upset, confused, and then she fled home for her safety.”
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Bob said one of the officers “lower down” in the team “sent the lady a file of the correspondence between the Senior Investigating Officer and the sex pest”.
The correspondence revealed, “34 emails which showed clear collusion to stop the investigation and literally place the blame onto the lady”. After the file was given to the police force as part of a complaint.
“That’s when the lady saw the police pull together to protect themselves, and they’ve now stated there was nothing wrong with the police engaging with a known sex pest who has been removed from post,” Bob explained.
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“So what’s your take from all of that Bob?” Shelagh asked.
Bob said he felt that the Senior Investigating Officer “was of a much lower rank than the sex pest” and therefore “acquiesced to this former Superintendent...lacked morals and dropped the investigation”.
READ MORE: Serving police officer charged with rape as well as six other sex crimes
“It sounds like a very extreme variation, doesn’t it, on how to handle a case,” Shelagh said, visibly moved.
“That sounds like a horrendous process for her to have gone through” - she went on, adding that marital rape “only became a crime in this country in the early 90s, which may astound you”.