Vanessa Feltz 3pm - 6pm
5 January 2023, 15:45
Caller: 'I must tip my hat to the Tories, they are very good at manipulating people.'
This caller in Germany applauds the "evil" Tories for "manipulating" the UK into voting for Brexit.
A Shelagh Fogarty caller has said the Conservatives are “very good and manipulating people” with their “evil genius”.
Shelagh mentioned the phrase ‘take back control’ in relation to Brexit as Sir Keir Starmer said in his first speech of 2023 that it was something he “couldn’t disagree with" whilst he had campaigned to remain.
There were “people who wanted public services they could rely on, high streets they could be proud of, opportunities for the next generation”, she said. “They were persuaded that all of those problems were because of EU membership.”
READ MORE: Only a third of Leave voters now think Brexit was a success
Ulf in Hamburg, Germany swiftly replied: “Yeah, in a way I must tip my hat to the Tories. They are very good at manipulating people.
“First they run your country into the ground, then people suffer and then they present the suffering people with a scapegoat - the EU”, he continued.
The Hamburg caller added: “Those people were then manipulated into voting for Brexit so that the Tories can run the country into the ground even worse.
“In a way that's genius. Evil genius - but genius.”