Henry Riley 7pm - 10pm
Caller Argues Brexit Not Delivered Because Tories Prioritised Party Over Country
5 November 2019, 17:47
This caller told Shelagh Fogarty exactly why the Conservatives haven't delivered Brexit yet and she agreed at every step of the way.
The caller Chris said the problem is that we've had a "Tory executive which has not respected the sovereignty of Parliament."
"They were presented with a problem because the referendum result which they didn't expect left them in a position where whatever type of Brexit they tried to deliver was going to split the Conservative party," Chris said and added that Theresa May tried to push the decision beyond the Withdrawal Agreement and "that didn't fool the ERG people."
Chris said what they should have done is "realise that the 2017 election took away the mandate for a hard Brexit and Theresa May could probably have quite easily at that stage negotiated a customs union single market deal which Labour would've gone along with" - it could have then been done and dusted.
He continued that because that would've risked splitting the Conservatives, May wouldn't do this.
"The interests of the nation have been sacrificed for the interests of the Conservative party. They've been found guilty of contempt of Parliament, they've tried to prorogue Parliament, the whole thing has been about preserving the Conservative party and not about delivering Brexit or the interests of the country."
The caller theorised that what has happened is "Parliament has flexed its muscles, the constitution has worked, the judges have backed Parliament and we're now in a position where the Prime Minister is saying this is the people versus Parliament.
"It's not! It's the Tory executive versus Parliament. The people haven't had a chance to have a say yet."
He said the portrayal that it's the people versus Parliament is "thoroughly dishonest and disingenuous."