Matt Frei 10am - 12pm
This Caller Has Some Stern Words For David Cameron
15 September 2019, 14:04
James, from Merthyr Tydfil, said "Mr. Cameron... keep on saying what you're saying and all we're going to see a bitter old man."
The caller phoned in to speak directly to David Cameron with some stern words.
He mentioned that Cameron reminded him of Ted Heath.
He then said: "Such a good negotiator, Mr. Cameron. He went over there and came back with nothing."
Speaking directly to the former prime minister: "Mr. Cameron, is your book there for the rest of the Tory Party to see you as the knight in shining armour.
"That you were the man that could put the Tory Party back together."
He added: "Unfortunately, Mr. Cameron, you've missed your slot."
Nigel Farage added that Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and John Major also speak about Brexit.
He said: "Why do all of these former prime minister feel like they must try and stop Brexit?"