Nick Abbot 10pm - 1am
26 April 2020, 12:48
Nigel Farage enraged by news migrants are still crossing into UK
Amid the news that the UK will begin quarantining people in the country's airports, Nigel was worried about another border issue.
After months of calling for tighter coronavirus restrictions in UK airports, Nigel Farage was delighted to learn that his prayers have finally been answered. "I think it should have been done a long time ago" he claimed.
Nigel pointed out that "if doing that leads to some easing of a lockdown" then he is all for the quarantining of UK airports but added that because of our slow response "when history judges this, we'll be judged very poorly".
He turned his attention to news that in the last few days, "34 migrants have crossed the channel", bringing into question the security of the UK during the lockdown.
An agitated Nigel revealed that this adds to the number of 521, the amount of migrant that have entered the UK by crossing the channel since lockdown began.
Nigel made the point that when he was watching the government's coronavirus press briefings "not a single journalist asked a question about it", upsetting him further.
He stressed the issue with these people crossing into the UK during the crisis, pointing out that "nobody that gets into the UK through this route ever gets sent back" and this could cause a big problem for the UK once lockdown is lifted.
Nigel was shocked that "no one seems to care" about the issue and wondered why nobody felt that it matters to discuss the problem.
"Doesn't this matter?" Nigel pleaded.
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