Ian Payne 4am - 7am
7 June 2020, 11:51
Nigel on Black Lives Matter protests
After scenes turned violent at Black Lives Matter protests in London, Nigel Farage was shocked the media remained neutral in reporting scenes.
After anti-racism protests in London on Saturday in solidarity with US demonstrations against police brutality went ahead, events turned sour when 14 people were arrested and 14 were injured in the aftermath.
Nigel Farage was speaking ahead of protests scheduled to take place in front of the US Embassy in London this afternoon. He pointed out his dismay at the lack of coverage of police clashes in the media on Saturday evening.
He claimed that the media seemed "to be so uncritical of what happened in London yesterday" by ignoring violence which was seen after demonstrations. "I wonder where our Prime Minister is in all of this" he said, after the public called for comment from Boris Johnson to no avail.
Nigel could foresee "a lot of anti-Trump stuff going on with a little bit of anti-Boris going on as well" at demonstrations on Sunday afternoon, and commended people that were attending that are "genuinely concerned with equality and society."
Nigel went on to make the claim that "part of the black lives movement is defunding of the police" which he simply couldn't side with. "That root lies anarchy it seems to me" he said.
"We can disagree at times on the things the police do" Nigel pointed out, but felt as though the question of police brutality in the United States is something that everyone can agree is a terrible thing.
Going back to the question of whether the police should be defunded or not, Nigel felt that it is a dangerous ideology to have, which could bring about the question of whether the police will be able to enforce the law with no funding.
"Without a good police force what kind of society would we be" he wondered.
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