Shelagh Fogarty 1pm - 4pm
Nick Ferrari's Withering Response To Caller Scaremongering Over No-Deal Brexit
9 August 2019, 08:11
This is Nick Ferrari's merciless response to a caller who he accused of scaremongering over the effects of a no-deal Brexit.
Chris told him that Boris Johnson's proposed plan to hold a General Election in the aftermath of a no-deal Brexit is "outrageous" when there may be shortages of cancer medicines.
He told Nick: "Sainsbury's has talked about a 10-day window after which we're going to be short of food."
But Nick responded with tongue firmly in cheek: "Oh my God, Sainsbury's? That's it then. Thank God you've told me that.
"Could someone get me Nigel Farage on the line please. We need to tell him that Sainsbury's is worried about Brexit. Chris - is that the best you've got?"
Talking about a no-deal, Chris insisted: "Why on earth should all this stuff be going on? It would be like you saying to your family the house is burning down, but you're a bit bored of it, so you're going to spend all day interviewing for a job when your house is burning to the ground. Would you do that, Nick?"
But Nick told him: "Don't blame me, mate. Blame the 498 MPs who voted to trigger Article 50.
"You can't respect some votes but not respect other votes."
It was a very lively conversation. Watch it in full at the top of the page.