Shelagh Fogarty 1pm - 4pm
14 April 2023, 11:46 | Updated: 14 April 2023, 11:50
How Nick Ferrari would solve NHS pay disputes as Health Secretary
Nick Ferrari explains to listeners what his plans would be to solve healthcare workers' pay disputes.
Nick Ferrari spoke to listeners after a four-day junior doctors strike in which the British Medical Association asked the government for a 35% pay rise, the strikes have caused the cancellation of around 175,000 appointments.
The Health Secretary Steve Barclay has said: "I hoped to begin formal pay negotiations with the BMA last month but its demand for a 35% pay rise is unreasonable – it would result in some junior doctors receiving a pay rise of over £20,000."
Nick said: "This is what I'd say to the junior doctors, were I the Heath Secretary, god knows the country's suffered enough without me being the health secretary.
"I've got to slam 10% plus a one-off bonus on the table now, boom.
"Probably a bonus of 15 hundred quid plus 10%, boom."
READ MORE: Acas can help solve junior doctors' dispute and build trust between both sides, says former chief
Nick continued: "Then let's look at 15% over the next two years, I don't know, we'll try and get you seven point five, seven point five whatever, or 10 and a five.
"So in the next three years you'll get an increase of 25% and you'll get a £15 hundred - now can we all get back to work? How about that.
"And where will I find the money? I'll stop HS2 and then we could all pay our mortgages I would suggest."