Ben Kentish 10pm - 1am
8 October 2020, 12:05
Nick Ferrari challenges caller who wants trick-or-treating cancelled this year
Nick Ferrari has told this caller she is "not much fun" for wanting children not to trick-or-treat this Halloween.
Claire from Edgware's call with Nick comes after the latter put Environment Secretary George Eustice on the spot earlier this month about whether or not Halloween would go ahead as normal this year.
When asked on LBC if trick-or-treating should be cancelled this year, Mr Eustice said: "I'm sure that Matt Hancock's team in the Department of Health will be thinking about that."
Claire told Nick she was not in favour of cancelling Halloween in its entirety but did think trick-or-treating should be banned this time around.
She told Nick: "It would be complete insanity to have children, whether you've got six or 16, going from house to house being publicly exposed to Covid-19, possibly spreading Covid-19 and putting themselves and people [at] the doors they knock at risk.
Is trick or treating cancelled?
"We have to adapt to a pandemic. We have to be realistic, grown-up and stop being so defensive about it..."
"You're not much fun, Claire," Nick told her.
He added: "Where's the sense of fun? Let the children have a bit of fun, Claire."
"Failure to use the time we bought might make 2nd lockdown impossible"
However, Claire was not pleased with Nick's response and responded: "Don't be so pathetic. Be a journalist for once. You're asking children to be put at risk. You're asking the elderly [and] people who are shielding to be put at risk. This is a nonsense.
"We have to adapt to a pandemic, Nick. For God's sake, grow up."
But Nick's stance remained unchanged as he maintained that children in the UK should have "one night where they can have a bit of fun" having gone through "a horrible six or seven months".