Tonight with Andrew Marr 6pm - 7pm
7 June 2017, 10:11
The author says the country is falling into a trap of being conned into living with more Islam, which is increasing the risk of attack.
Mr Murray told Nick Ferrari that it’s time people face the facts of terrorism.
“We’ve had 16 years of people saying attacks like Saturday’s have nothing to do with Islam.
“While everyone should remember this is a minority of people who would do such an atrocious act, it nevertheless obviously comes from Islam. It’s a problem that comes from Islam.”
He says that after these attacks, in an effort to improve social inclusion, the country has been conned into accepting more Islam.
“We’ve fallen into the idea that answer is more Islam. This is the argument of the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups.
“‘You don’t like this Islam? Well we’ve got some other Islam, or different Islam.’ And I just say, look, we need a bit less Islam.”
Mr Murray explained that the problem with this is that while the vast majority of Muslims would never accept any sort of violence in the name of their religion, they might share some of the same beliefs and goals as the extremists.
“One of the key things about this is to fall into the Muslim Brotherhood line. We have our own society, Muslim’s are a part of it, people of all faiths are a part of it.
“But we must not fall into this what I call a bad cop, worse cop routine, where the people who would use violence are mitigated by people who say ‘we wouldn’t use violence, but we do agree with some of those aims like the creation of a caliphate.”
The author, whose most recent book ‘The Strange Death of Europe’ looks at the threats the continent faces, says the first step to having “less Islam” is reducing immigration.
“The first thing is you slow down or you halt the current flow of people. That is the absolutely bare minimum.”
Following Douglas Murray, Nick Ferrari spoke to Dr Sheikh Ramzy, director of the Oxford Islamic Information Centre and head of education for the Muslim Council of Great Britain. He said that Mr Murray's proposal plays into the hands of IS and other extremists who seek to divide Muslims and non-Muslims.
He believes the answer is for all people to work together. He also rejected a poll cited by Mr Murray that found two thirds of Muslims would not report someone who they suspected of holding extremist views.