Ben Kentish 10pm - 1am
3 March 2021, 11:05 | Updated: 3 March 2021, 11:29
Nick Ferrari stumps anti-vaxxer
This is the moment Nick Ferrari challenged a caller who refuses to take the Covid jab because she thinks the Government is "trying to control the population".
The exchange comes as the over 50s are set to begin receiving their calls for the jab.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said that just a single dose of the Covid-19 vaccine has lessened the chance of people needing hospital treatment by "more than 80%".
Anna in Peterborough told Nick: "At the moment, there is nothing to persuade me. I'm not going to take it. I'm perfectly healthy and fine. I've had Covid."
Nick Ferrari's furious rant at caller who refuses Covid jab
In response, Nick asked Anna about her attitude in light of the possibility that new Covid strains could harm the population.
Anna told Nick that she would refuse to take the vaccine even if her job or ability to go on holiday depended on it.
Asked by Nick what her fear was, Anna said: "At the moment, it's that the Government and the people are trying to control the population."
Boris Johnson: Anti-vax is total nonsense, you should get a vaccine
Nick replied: "Don't you realise the very fact we're having this conversation is that they can't control the population?
"If they could control the population, why would one in four members of the NHS staff in London not have the jab? That's not great control."