This Caller's Heart-Warming Story Of Hosting Refugee In Her Home

2 September 2018, 09:55 | Updated: 2 September 2018, 10:00

A listener says she has lost friends and been called a "terrorist sympathiser" for hosting a refugee in her home.

Lisa told Matt Stadlen that she came to host a 23-year-old after visiting refugee camps in Europe with a group of mothers.

She said: "We were told that we were selfish, that we were going to get raped and murdered and leave our children motherless.

"Actually, I felt safer sleeping with 3,000 men in a refugee camp than I did on a night out in my local town."

Matt Stadlen
Picture: LBC

"We've lost friends over it," she said.

"I've been called a terrorist sympathiser."

Listen to her heart-warming story in the video above.