James O'Brien 10am - 1pm
11 December 2021, 16:40
Maajid Nawaz's poignant assessment of current anger at govt
This was Maajid Nawaz's poignant analysis of the public anger directed at the government following reports of multiple Covid-breaching Christmas parties last year.
"The British public is a very tolerant public and puts up with a lot, but fairness is something I believe that the British public, as a value, holds onto dearly.
"If their sense of fairness is disturbed, that's when you start seeing frustration and anger boiling over."
Maajid was reacting to the as many as seven alleged parties during the festive period of 2020 that were held by politicians despite stricter Covid regulations being in place.
Referencing the closing scene from George Orwell's novel, Animal Farm, Maajid said: "If the pigs are having a party on their two legs while the rest of us are shackled, how do you not expect me to draw conclusions that Orwell wanted me to draw?
'The fact that the Met police won't investigate the parties tells you all you need to know...'
"Here we had, allegedly, multiple parties being held, champagne glasses allegedly clinking, secret santa's being doled out."
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Maajid explained that he lost his grandmother during lockdown and was unable to visit her on her deathbed because of Covid rules.
"Put aside just my own natural state, and that is that I get upset when I see unfairness - you've now made it personal for a lot of people," he said.
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