Clive Bull 1am - 4am
16 August 2023, 11:49
James O'Brien responds to growing calls to rejoin the EU
Amid growing support for Britain to rejoin the EU, James O'Brien says those who are still claiming they are glad to have voted to leave are "lying to themselves".
Seven years on from the Brexit vote, James O'Brien asked: "Is it a waste of energy to mobilise on the prospect of rejoining the European Union?"
"Maybe it's because we got so used to losing everything if you're on the sort of progressive or decent side of political battles...you've lost referendums, you've lost general elections", he said in reflection.
James took aim at politicians "riding roughshod over our own parliamentary democracy" being rewarded with columns, describing the country as "completely crackers now".
He jabbed at sectors of the media for "cheerleading for the most disgraceful and disgraced prime minister in history".
"The fact that Johnson can get chucked out of Downing Street and then run away from the House of Commons rather than face proper scrutiny for his own actions, and not only have a bunch of weasels queuing up to claim that it's been some sort of witch hunt or kangaroo court but also get rewarded with a column in a newspaper!" he mused.
James reminded his listeners that newspapers are "traditionally the last chance" that the population of a country has to hold politicians to account.
"Can you conceive of living in a country where the media holds power to account?" he asked, reiterating that sectors of it are instead "tickling the toes of some of the most ridiculous and depraved politicians we've ever had the misfortune of enduring".
"It's mad right?"
Brexit voter bitterly regrets his vote
James also listed some of the promises from the "successful campaign of lies and misinformation in 2016", including being better off, having shorter waiting lists, cheaper food, cheaper energy and "if you are a bit racist - fewer immigrants".
"None" of these things have happened, said James, adding this is "why we know the 30 per cent who claim they are still glad they did it are lying to themselves".
"Brexit eventually, will turn the UK into all the things Brexieteers lied about it being in order to get votes", he added, calling this the "ultimate irony" of leaving the EU.
READ MORE: James O’Brien in hysterics as Brexit-voting farmer forced to admit EU is better off
"I can see the reasons in an objective universe...we should have a referendum tomorrow", he said, but then added, "I just don't think it's going to happen."
"I don't see the point in polling", James continued, explaining that "every poll on Brexit is an 'I told you so moment'" and that the politics and people of this country have been "so completely corrupted by deceitful disgusting depraved politicians and journalists that it's not going to happen for years".