Nick Abbot 10pm - 1am
James Has A Question For Caller Who Wants Us To Quit EU Talks
2 May 2017, 11:22 | Updated: 2 May 2017, 11:25
Scott phones James O'Brien to say Britain should walk away from EU talks but when James asks him a follow-up question, he's a little less certain...
Admitting that he was "chomping at the bit" for Britain to walk away from Brexit talks with the EU, Scott was determined to make the case that if the negotiations with Brussels aren't going our way, Theresa May should just leave - with no deal.
"What do you think happens if we do that?" asked James.
"The obvious thing that will happen is that things will continue as they are," claimed Scott.
Not getting anywhere on that front, James asked Scott "Why do you think we joined the European Union in the first place?"
"Originally we joined the EU for the simple reason of having the economic area," responded Scott. "We signed up initially to the economic zone."
"Let's pretend that's true," said James. "Why?"
"Because it was in our best interests...for all the obvious reasons of why we're in the EU now: free trade, dropping all the tariffs - "
"You know what you just said? It was in our best interests, now. So what's changed? What's changed?"