Lewis Goodall 10am - 12pm
Iain Dale Grills Tim Farron Over Member's Anti-Semitic Remarks
Two prominent Liberal Democrats have been accused of making anti-Semitic comments, but the party leader wouldn’t confirm if they’re being investigated.
Baroness Jenny Tonge, a Liberal Democrat peer and former whip in the House of Lords, and former MP and current party member David Ward have recently made comments that have been cited as anti-Semitic.
Iain Dale asked the party leader, Tim Farron, whether they were being investigated for these comments, and while he said their words "are intolerable and action has been taken" he couldn't confirm what that action was.
However, he did say that he believed their comments should lead to an investigation.
In a Facebook post, Baroness Tonge said she welcomed a recent cross-party report into anti-Semitism, but added; "“it would have been more useful if it had investigated the causes of antisemitism too. It is difficult to believe that a 75 percent increase in antisemitism it reports have been committed by people who simply hate Jewish people for no reason."
Mr Ward said on Twitter “The Zionists are winning despite the appalling racism of the State of #Israel and its supporters"