Tom Swarbrick 4pm - 7pm
'Desperate' caller tells LBC she just has 'no money left for food'
5 January 2021, 20:55
'Desperate' caller tells LBC she can't get Covid financial support
This desperate caller told LBC she was at the end of her tether as she cannot get Covid financial support.
Cara from Birmingham called and spoke to LBC's Iain Dale revealing she feels "absolutely desperate."
She told Iain she didn't know how other people in the same situation were able to survive.
"I am totally isolated, I have no one in my bubble," she said, adding she had received no Government support since the Covid lockdown began.
On the verge of tears, Cara said she was a single person who knew nobody in her local area and was now struggling to buy food.
When Iain asked the caller if she was one of the three million excluded from Government support, the caller explained that she was and just why she couldn't access any financial help from the Treasury.
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The distraught caller told LBC she was living on "minus £27 per month after I've paid my bills, I have nothing left for food."
Telling Iain a tale of woe Cara explained what had happened with her mortgage company and how she was struggling to pay her bills.
When Iain asked what she did for a living Cara said she is a dental hygenist, explaining some dental surgeries are devoting space to social distancing.
Listen to the whole moving call in the video at the top of the page to see how Covid is impacting on this caller.
If you are affected by any of the above and need emotional support then contact the Samaritans helpline 24 hours a day on 116 123, email, visit a Samaritans branch or visit their website.