Paul Brand 7am - 10am
Clap for NHS: Shadow Chancellor and Iain Dale moved to tears by public support
26 March 2020, 20:56 | Updated: 26 March 2020, 21:09
Shadow Chancellor and Iain Dale moved to tears
This is the emotional moment Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell and Iain Dale were moved to tears by the public's support for the NHS as they clapped out in the street at 8pm.
John McDonnell supported the NHS and said his whole street were out in one unified moment to applaud the great work of those on the healthcare front line.
Our whole street out clapping for our Carers and NHS workers. So proud of my neighbours #ClapForCarers #clapforNHS
— John McDonnell MP (@johnmcdonnellMP) March 26, 2020
The UK – and the rest of the world – are going through something, the like of which has never been seen ever before.
The spread of coronavirus across the globe has forced us to stop doing things that for so long we’ve taken for granted… our favourite sports postponed, the concerts of our favourite artists cancelled, our favourite restaurants closed – we really have pressed pause on life as we know it here in the UK.
We’re being asked to social distance, to self-isolate, and in some cases to not see our loved ones.
And although we might be alone, we’re doing this, together – to help protect the lives of everyone.
Yet - throughout all this, there are key groups of people whose lives aren’t on pause – in fact, they’re busier than ever.
One of those groups are the men and women of the NHS who are working tirelessly to try and protect us, the Great British public.
So tonight at 8pm millions of you joined us at 8pm to stand out in the street and clap the NHS workers who are keeping our country together.
Thank you so much, NHS.
Boats whistle out on the River Tyne in support of NHS workers