Tom Swarbrick 4pm - 6pm
14 January 2021, 21:23
Caller tells LBC of her struggles with Long Covid
This caller had a harrowing tale of her life with long-covid and the long term impact the virus is having on her months later.
Sam in Dunmow called to tell LBC her moving tale of life with long-covid.
She told LBC's Iain Dale she contracted coronavirus on the 7th of September but that she became so unwell she had to go to the hospital.
Telling LBC it "took a while" to be diagnosed she described the process as "one step forwards two steps back."
"I'm still out of breath if I walk up the stairs if I try to communicate I feel I'm getting out of breath."
She told LBC she was on sick leave from her work in a school.
Describing the illness as a "very lonely road," Sam told Iain that when you get Covid nobody wants to see you.
The caller explained to Iain that any time she attempts to do anything she is left in a huge amount of pain.
"The brain fog is ridiculous," she told LBC explaining how she was working to recover from the illness.
Describing her symptoms Sam said the pain in her wrists means she cannot even open a water bottle.
Sam told Iain the pain leaves her feeling like she wants to sob.
Telling LBC she was a health and active woman before she said she looks at photos from her FaceBook profile and wonders "where is that woman? When is she coming back?"
"I feel half a mother, I feel half a woman, I feel half a partner because everything is a struggle," Sam explained.
Going into detail on the impact long-covid has had on her the called explained how it has changed her life.
Iain pledged to keep in contact with Sam to find out how her journey with long-covid progress so keep checking LBC for updates.
In September, speaking on LBC radio, Health Secretary Matt Hancock warned: "Long Covid... is prevalent among younger people."
While some people have a mild form of illness from Covid-19, others have been seriously affected with long Covid.
People affected with long-term symptoms have described how they have been previously fit and healthy and now they are confined to a wheelchair.
Breathlessness and fatigue have been reported by long-term sufferers and some have described how doing shopping or climbing stairs can leave them bed-ridden for days.
Listen to the whole moving call in the video at the top of the page.