Nick Ferrari 7am - 10am
25 August 2020, 19:53
Tearful caller "devastated" as her daughter's home branded unsellable
This tearful caller was devastated at her daughter's home being branded unsellable due to cladding, leaving her daughter "trapped" and "absolutely terrified."
On Monday, LBC found residents of a North London tower block have been told their flats are effectively worthless due to the building's cladding being inadequate.
After this report LBC was inundated with messages from other angry, desperate people from all over the country who have been told their homes are unsellable for the same reason.
Joanna told Eddie Mair she was devastated that her daughter's home, which they had both worked hard for her to buy, is not able to be sold leaving her daughter "absolutely terrified."
"She said Mum I'm stuck I don't know what to do. She's absolutely absolutely devastated," Joanna said.
Joanna explained she managed to sell a few drawings that famous people had given her when she worked in a restaurant to help pay the deposit and now her daughter is trapped.
Joanna is on the Housing Association scheme and has always aspired to save enough to buy it, but to own a house on the scheme "you have to be a millionaire", she told Eddie.
"Leaseholders are the milking cows of the Housing Association...I am beyond help, I am just on the retirement age and I can't get to buying the house because I can't get to buying the mortgage," Joanna said.
She said it is the youngsters that will suffer because of the cladding issues but "it is the Government's fault because they knew about this problem before Grenfell and they actually ignored the problem."