David Lammy warns vaccine passports 'don't feel very British'

2 April 2021, 10:22

Vaccine Passports: David Lammy warns there are complex issues

EJ Ward

By EJ Ward

This is David Lammy's passionate monologue on Covid vaccine passports which he said could lead to a 'social apartheid.'

David Lammy told his LBC audience he thought it would be a challenge to introduce a vaccine passport.

He warned it could lead to people being stopped from going to the pub or their workplace.

"Huge amounts of society unable to do things because they haven't got a vaccine yet."

He said it could lead to "whole swathes of young people" being denied entry to pubs during the summer.

"This does not feel very British," David said.

Read more: 72 MPs voice opposition to Boris Johnson's plans for vaccine passports

Questioning the ethics of vaccine passports David asked if we were "really going to create a situation where there is social apartheid."

He warned we should be "very careful," when it comes to treating people differently because of their vaccine status.

Read more: Boris Johnson says vaccine passports 'will be useful' in the future

Boris Johnson: "ethical issues" with introducing vaccine passports

The conversation comes after ministers were warned against introducing vaccine passports in England by a cross-party group of politicians including senior Conservative MPs and former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

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More than 70 MPs, including 40 Conservatives, as well as peers from the House of Lords, have launched a campaign to oppose the move which they say would be "divisive and discriminatory".

It comes as a report in The Daily Telegraph suggested a series of pilot tests for Covid passports were being planned which could include the FA Cup final and other sporting events in May, although Number 10 maintained any proposals were still under review.