Iain Dale 7pm - 10pm
Caller praises Labour Brexit position and accuses Andrew Pierce of "Corbyn-bashing"
23 November 2019, 11:34
The caller doesn't feel like she needs to be told by Jeremy Corbyn which way to vote in a second referendum - and she's happy with that.
The caller, Hannah, said: "This is media Corbyn-bashing, isn't it?
"And you, being one of the main proponent proponents of this Corbyn-bashing, forever and a day, I don't flipping care what Corbyn's position is on Brexit.
"I don't need him to lead me by the ear like sheep to decide my position after three years.
I mean, what more could Corbyn give me? He's giving me plenty of choices"
Andrew Pierce and Hannah discussed his proposals to have a second referendum and remain neutral on it.
Hannah said: "I have no problem with that. This is Corbyn-bashing.
"I've had three years as I've just said, to make up my own mind. I'm well-informed now.
"I don't want him necessarily as the as a prime minister, or to influence my decision anymore.
"He is leaving it to me. Who doesn't like to be able to make an independence choice?
What is wrong with that?"
Andrew Pierce put it to the caller that it might show that Corbyn isn't leading.
She later said: "Well, we all know the majority of Labour people are for Remain and this man is a very democratic man.
"He is into democracy. When he says to listen to people that results in democratic decisions.
"Labour Party policy is always to make democratic decisions in their conferences.
"I just don't see any problem. I don't need this man to tell me now which way to decide.
"He is giving me that wonderful citizenship right to make my own independent decision without any need for him to influence my decision.
No philosopher would have any problem with that."