Tonight with Andrew Marr 28/02 | Watch Again

28 February 2023, 19:25

Tonight with Andrew Marr 28/02 | Watch Again

By Grace Parsons

You can watch Tuesday's Tonight with Andrew Marr in full here.

Andrew Marr was joined by:

  • Lord Michael Howard - Former Leader of the Conservative Party (2003-05), Former Home Secretary (1993-97) and now a Conservative Peer
  • Nick Timothy CBE - Former Joint Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Theresa May (2016-17) and now Chair of the Future of Conservativism Project at Onward and Columnist at the Daily Telegraph
  • Professor Sir David King - Former Chief Scientific Advisor (2000-07), Foreign Office Special Representative for Climate Change (2013-17)
  • Charlotte Lynch - LBC's Reporter
  • Danny Alexander - Vice President of Policy and Strategy at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (Chinese 'rival' to the IMF and World Bank) and a former Liberal Democrat MP who served as Secretary of State for Scotland and Chief Secretary to the Treasury under the coalition government
  • Rory Stewart - Host of The Rest is Politics podcast, Former International Development Secretary, and Former Conservative Leadership Candidate 2019
  • Samantha Booth - Senior Reporter for Schoolsweek
  • Chris Stokel-Walker - Journalist and Author of 'Tik Tok Boom'

Watch Tonight with Andrew Marr exclusively on Global Player every Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 7pm