Tonight with Andrew Marr 19/10 | Watch again

19 October 2022, 19:27

Tonight with Andrew Marr | Watch Again 19/10

By Abbie Reynolds

You can watch Wednesday's Tonight with Andrew Marr in full here.

Andrew Marr was joined by:

  • Danny Shaw - Policing and Crime Commentator Mark Pritchard, Conservative MP for Wrekin in Shropshire
  • Ben Kentish - LBC's Westminster Editor
  • Lord (David) Willetts - Conservative Peer and Former University Minister
  • Steve Baker - Conservative MP for Wycombe
  • Louise Haigh - Shadow Transport Secretary & Labour MP for Sheffield Heeley
  • Professor Tim Bale - Professor of Politics at Queen Mary, University of London & Author of 'The Conservative Party After Brexit: Turmoil and Transformation' which is released in the Spring
  • Emily Sheffield - Columnist for the Evening Standard, and the newspaper's former editor (2020-21) - who is a regular contributor on LBC

Watch Tonight with Andrew Marr exclusively on Global Player every Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 7pm