Tonight with Andrew Marr

Ed Davey has said that it 'genuinely' hasn't crossed his mind that he might be the future leader of the opposition.

Ed Davey tells LBC he doesn’t see himself as future leader of opposition as he says focus is on ‘beating Tory MPs’

The president of Finland has said he 'doesn't agree with many things' Nigel Farage says in response to his comments on the war in Ukraine.

'Absolutely not': Finland's president dismisses Nigel Farage’s claim that Nato provoked Russia's war in Ukraine

Andrew Marr

Tonight with Andrew Marr 24/06 | Watch again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 20/06 | Watch Again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 20/06 | Watch again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 19/06 | Watch Again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 19/06 | Watch again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 18/06 | Watch Again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 18/06 | Watch again

Reform chairman Richard Tice was speaking on Tonight with Andrew Marr.

'Take them back to France': Reform will have 'standoff' with French over illegal migrants if needed, says Richard Tice

Tonight with Andrew Marr

Tonight with Andrew Marr 17/06 | Watch again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 13/06 | Watch again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 13/06 | Watch again

Starmer has slammed the "botched deal" procured by former PM Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson inflicted 'botched' deal on nation, says Keir Starmer who promises to negotiate better Brexit deal with EU

Keir Starmer has called on the Europe to look again at new passport rules being introduced for EU travel.

Keir Starmer calls on Europe to look again at new passport rules being introduced for EU travel

Andrea Jenkyns should have stood for Reform, Sir Charles Walker has said.

Andrea Jenkyns should have stood for Reform, says ex-Tory MP after she put Nigel Farage on campaign leaflet

Tonight with Andrew Marr 12/06 | Watch again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 12/06 | Watch again

We are turning absolutely justified criticism of Rishi Sunak into a national theatre of cruelty, says Andrew Marr

I worry that we are turning absolutely justified criticism of Rishi Sunak into a national theatre of cruelty

Jo Johnson has said the Tories' situation is 'desperately grave'.

‘It’s desperately grave’: Former Tory minister Jo Johnson says party is heading for ‘very heavy defeat’ at election

Tonight with Andrew Marr 11/06 | Watch again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 11/06 | Watch again

Tonight with Andrew Marr 10/06

Tonight with Andrew Marr 10/06 | Watch again

James Cleverly has told LBC he would have advised Rishi Sunak not to leave the D-Day celebrations early.

James Cleverly 'would have advised Rishi Sunak to stay' at D-Day event had he been there, he tells Andrew Marr