Latest Green Party News

Zack Polanski said he apologised the day after an article about the hypnotherapy sessions came out

Deputy Green Party Leader admits to performing hypnotherapy to 'enlarge' women's breasts in the past

Mothin Ali was elected as a councillor for the Gipton and Harehills ward in Leeds after winning more than 3,000 votes

Green Party investigates councillor who shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ after election and said Palestinians should 'fight back'

Jeremy Corbyn has branded the Budget a "cruel joke" that fails to reverse the effects of austerity

Jeremy Corbyn calls the Budget 'a cruel joke'

Natalie Bennett had a "brain fade" live on LBC

LBC's Top 10 of the decade: 3. Green Party leader's "brain fade"

Natalie Bennett and Brendan O'Neill clash over Greta Thunberg

Former Green leader clashes with columnist over Greta Thunberg

Iain Dale challenges Sian Berry on Green proposal to make cocaine available recreationally

Iain Dale challenges Sian Berry on Green proposal to legalise cocaine

Sian Berry tells LBC Greens don't support Liberal Democrat's Brexit policy

Sian Berry: Greens don't support Liberal Democrat's Brexit policy

Iain Dale meets Sian Berry: watch live from 11am

Iain Dale meets Sian Berry: watch live from 11am

Green Party Co-Leader Says She's 'Proud' Of Arrested Assembly Member

Green Party Co-Leader Says She's 'Proud' Of Arrested Politician

Nick Ferrari

Nick Ferrari Clashes With Green Party Councillor Over London 'Car-Free Day'

Iain Dale on LBC

Iain Dale’s Cross Question: Watch Again

The UK is still very much split over Brexit

Pro-Remain Parties Beat Pro-Brexit Parties In European Elections

Green Party deputy leader Amelia Womack pressed Ukip's Paul Oakley over the petition

Ukip Candidate Dismisses Petition Calling For Ban On Politicians Who “Promote Rape”

Iain Dale questioned Sian Berry on the Green Party's defence policy

Green Party Leader Can't Say How Much They'd Spend On Defence

Sian Berry in the LBC studio

Green Party Co-Leader Excited By Early Election Results

Nick laughs along with the new found friends

The Moment The Leader Of The Greens Agreed With A Motoring Lobbyist