Latest Conservatives News

Sadiq Khan Night Tube

Katie Hopkins: No Sadiq. The Night Tube Is Boris's Triumph

Ages ago

Theresa May Children

Leading QC Questions May's Judgment Over Abuse Inquiry

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Theresa May Philip May Smile

Farage On May: She’s Made A Good Start

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Stig Boris

Stig Abell On Boris Johnson's First Days In Office

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Philip Hammond Downing Street

Was The New Chancellor A Goth At School?

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Cameron Final PMQs Commons

Salmond Defends SNP Not Clapping Cameron

Ages ago

James O'Brien Hand Grey

James: Leavers Led Us Off A Cliff, Then Legged It

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Boris Johnson Factory

"Take Off The Red Nose & Boris Is Still A Clown"

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Theresa May Grimace

Katie Hopkins Hammers May For Sharia Law Support

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James O'Brien Helmer

Senior Ukip MEP Put On The Spot By O'Brien

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James O'Brien Brexit Reaction

"Who's Accountable Now?" O'Brien On Farage Quitting

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Katie Hopkins LBC

Katie Hopkins Tears Into 'Teflon' Theresa May

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Andrea Leadsom Iain Dale LBC

LISTEN: Leadsom Makes Her Case To Be PM

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Stanley Johson on Boris

Stanley Johnson Cuts Interview Short After He Is Probed On Boris

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James O'Brien LBC Studio Boris

James O'Brien Slays Boris's Record In Power

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Iain Dale Predicts Next PM: Was He Right?

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Farage Heseltine

EU Debate: Farage v Heseltine - Watch In Full

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Chris Grayling

Grayling: Cameron Should Stay After Brexit

Ages ago