Latest Conservatives News

John McDonnell Theresa May

John McDonnell: "Theresa May Do Not Take This Victory In Copeland As A Green Light"

Ages ago

David Mellor Corbyn Nuttall

If Nuttall Hadn't Been A Nut, UKIP Could Have Won Stoke

Ages ago

James O'Brien Curious

This Ordinary Voter Sums Up The State Of Politics So Well

Ages ago

Ken Loach Furious

When Ken Loach Laid Into The Tories On LBC

Ages ago

Alex Salmond Unimpressed

'It's The PM That Damaged Our Relationship With America, Not Bercow'

Ages ago

Nigel Farage Angry

Farage: Theresa May Needs To Apologise To Donald Trump

Ages ago

Iain Dale hands Out

'Theresa May Has To Be Diplomatic With Trump. Fact.'

Ages ago

Stig Abell On Trump

Stig Abell: Theresa May Should Not Fawn Over Trump After His Torture Comments

Ages ago

James O'Brien On US-UK Relations

James's Genius Take On The UK's "Marriage" To The US

Ages ago

Donald Trump pen

Trump Really Is A Chump On Torture: David Mellor

Ages ago

Alex Salmond Scowl

"The One Thing May Must NOT Do When She Meets Trump"

Ages ago

Supreme Court Judgment Shelagh Fogarty

Shelagh: If Trump Followed May's Lead, We'd Call Him A Dictator

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari hands together

Ferrari's Fact Shuts Down Caller Who Wants May To Resign

Ages ago

Katie Hopkins completely lost it when a caller suggested Theresa May needs to remember "she's a woman first"

Katie: "I'm Sick Of People Wanting Something Because They're A Woman"

Ages ago

Alex Salmond Chuffed

"Get A Life Iain!" Alex Salmond And Iain Dale Do Battle

Ages ago

David Davis laughing

Brexit Secretary Admits He Made Big Money On Referendum Bet

Ages ago

James O'Brien Questioning

Can You Beat James O'Brien's EU Quiz?

Ages ago

James May Wince

James Picks The Holes In Theresa May's Brexit Speech

Ages ago