Latest Conservatives News

Grenfell Tower

Grenfell Firefighter Refuses To Meet Theresa May Because Of Government Cuts

Ages ago

West London

Theresa May Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage’s Reaction To The PM’s Latest Brexit Update Is Priceless

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg showed his trademark charm on his LBC debut

Jacob Rees Mogg On LBC: The Hilarious Highlights

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg takes on a Remainer.

Remain Voter’s Argument Reminds Jacob Rees-Mogg Why He Backs Brexit

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg Vince Cable

Jacob Rees-Mogg To Vince Cable: No Deal Risks Are Overstated “Like The Millennium Bug”

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg criticised the new T-charge in London

Jacob Rees-Mogg Labels Government Car Policy "The Greatest Scandal Of Our Time"

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg enjoyed hosting his first show on LBC

Jacob Rees-Mogg Takes On Caller Who Accused Him Of Lying

Ages ago

Ken Clarke was very dismissing about a No Deal Brexit

Ken Clarke's Very Dismissive Response To Idea Of A No Deal Brexit

Ages ago

James O'Brien was furious over the government's actions on Universal Credit

James O'Brien Tears Into Government Over 55p Helpline U-Turn

Ages ago

Liam Fox

Liam Fox Claims Labour Are The Party AGAINST Young People's Interests

Ages ago

Armando Iannucci spoke to James O'Brien

The Thick Of It Creator: Theresa May's Speech Would Have Been Too Unbelievable For The Show

Ages ago

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage: Theresa May Is On Her Last Notice

Ages ago

Iain Dale in LBC studio.

Young Ex-Tory Member Tells LBC The Party "Now Needs To Die"

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari told Theresa May to sort out her Cabinet

The Cabinet Are Fighting Like Kids In A Playground. Time For May To Stop It, Says Nick

Ages ago

Nadine Dorries Iain Dale Philip Hammond

Nadine Dorries Brands Philip Hammond A “Sour Eeyore” In Brutal Takedown

Ages ago

Theresa May was asked the same question Iain Dale asked her at PMQs

MP Asks Theresa May Iain Dale Brexit Question In Parliament

Ages ago

James O'Brien said the most senior four Cabinet members think Brexit will be bad

The Cabinet Don't Want Brexit, What Does That Tell You, Asks James O'Brien

Ages ago

James O'Brien had some advice to Theresa May

James O'Brien: How Theresa May SHOULD Have Answered That Question

Ages ago