Latest Conservatives News

Iain Dale

Iain Dale's Damning End Of Term Scorecard For Theresa May

Ages ago

Tom Swarbrick spoke to Iain Duncan Smith

No Deal Brexit Is No Problem, Says A Passionate Iain Duncan Smith

Ages ago

Nadine Dorries accused the EU and Remainer MPs of pushing Britain towards a no-deal Brexit

EU "Bullies" And Remainers Are Pushing UK Towards No-Deal: Nadine Dorries

Ages ago

Nigel Evans

Senior Tory Backs Drastic Tax Cuts In The Event Of No Deal

Ages ago

Tom Swarbrick

1922 Committee Executive: Dominic Raab Has Got It "Absolutely Right"

Ages ago

Tom Swarbrick

Tory MP: Fix Decline In Government Trust With Internet Education

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Caller Tells Jacob Rees-Mogg: "Why Do We Have To Make America Great Again?"

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg live on LBC from Somerset

Jacob Rees-Mogg To Remainer: "Are You Saying Old People Shouldn't Vote?"

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Listen To Jacob Rees-Mogg LIVE On LBC

Ages ago

Theresa May

Conservative Leadership: What Is The 1922 Committee?

Ages ago


This Is The Type Of Leader Britain Is Crying Out For: Nigel Farage

Ages ago

Boris Johnson speaking in the Commons on Wednesday

Boris Johnson Tells MPs "It's Not Too Late To Save Brexit" In Resignation Speech

Ages ago

James O'Brien

How Theresa May Became Complicit In Donald Trump's War With "Fake News"

Ages ago

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage’s One-Minute Guide To Solving The Brexit Deadlock

Ages ago

Stewart Jackson joined Iain Dale on LBC on Monday afternoon

Ex-David Davis Aide Warns Of Electoral Catastrophe If Brexit Vote Is Betrayed

Ages ago

Tom Swarbrick

Boris Johnson Is A "Larger Than Life Character", Says Foreign Minister

Ages ago

Michael Fabricant has since deleted the tweet

Sadiq Khan Calls On Conservatives To Discipline Fabricant Over Tweet

Ages ago

Brandon Lewis played down reports of a Brexit backlash from Tory members

Tory Party Chairman Downplays Backlash From Members Over PM’s Brexit Plan

Ages ago