Latest Conservatives News

Darren Adam

Boris And Corbyn Both Want To Be PM - But Similarities End There Says Darren Adam

Ages ago

Nigel Farage accused Cressida Dick of being "overtly political"

Nigel Farage Slams Met Police Chief Over Boris Burka Intervention

Ages ago

Sahar Al-Faifi insists the face veil is not oppressive

Muslim Woman Hits Back: “My Niqab Isn’t Oppressive, It’s A Devotion To God”

Ages ago

James O'Brien in the LBC studio

Why Boris Johnson's Muslim Comments Are So Dangerous: James O'Brien

Ages ago

Sir Gerald Howarth had lots to say about Boris's burka comments

Tory Grandee Says Burkas Should Be Banned As Terrorists Use Them

Ages ago

The new head of the Police Federation John Apter

Police Federation Chief Lays Into Theresa May For Betraying Police

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg spoke to Nigel Farage on Wednesday

Jacob Rees-Mogg Scolds PM As He Defends Boris Johnson In Burka Row

Ages ago

Iain Dale

Tory Member Becomes Very Angry Defending Boris Johnson To Iain Dale

Ages ago

Lord Eric Pickles called on Boris Johnson to apologise

Lord Pickles Backs Calls For Boris To Apologise Over Burka Remarks

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari in the LBC studio

Nick Ferrari Clashes With Tory Peer Who Wants Boris Johnson Kicked Out Of Tory Party

Ages ago

Nigel Farage thinks Boris Johnson is now more likely to be Tory leader

Boris Now More Likely To Be Tory Leader After Burka Remarks: Farage

Ages ago

Baroness Sayeeda Warsi ruled out supporting Boris Johnson in any leadership contest

Baroness Warsi Rules Out Backing Boris In Any Leadership Bid After Burka Jibe

Ages ago

James O'Brien in the LBC studio

Caller Defends Boris Johnson's Article To James O'Brien... Without Reading It

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari defended Boris Johnson's article

Boris Row Shows We're Intolerant Of Tolerance, Says Nick Ferrari

Ages ago

Boris Johnson has come under fire for comparing women in burkas in "letter boxes"

Senior Tory Muslim Warns Boris’ Burka Remarks Will Be Seized Upon By The Far-Right

Ages ago

James O'Brien played a 2011 clip of Jacob Rees-Mogg

James O'Brien Highlights Jacob Rees-Mogg's Request For Second Referendum

Ages ago

Clive Bull was surprised by what Charlie Elphicke said

British Spirit Will Make No-Deal Brexit A Success, Says Tory MP

Ages ago

Damian Hinds discussed the problem with Fortnite

Education Secretary Admits Concerns Over Children's Fortnite Addiction

Ages ago