Latest Conservatives News

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Jacob Rees-Mogg Says PM Must Resign Despite Confidence Vote Win

Ages ago

Theresa May has won a vote of confidence in her leadership

Theresa May Wins Confidence Vote After Secret Ballot

Ages ago

Hammond Farage

Nigel Farage Hits Back At Philip Hammond Over “Extremist” Remarks

Ages ago


“Destructive, Divisive And Selfish”: Defence Minister Slams Jacob Rees-Mogg

Ages ago

Eddie Mair spoke to Ben Bradley

Eddie Mair Asks Theresa May Critic Ben Bradley "Are You An Extremist?"

Ages ago

Santa Claus interrupted Michael Gove outside Parliament

Santa Tells Michael Gove He Won't Get Any Presents This Year

Ages ago

Ed Vaizey, speaking on LBC

Conservative MP Praised For His Brutally Honest Interview With James O'Brien

Ages ago

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn

Is This Labour's Path To Winning Vote Of No Confidence Against Theresa May?

Ages ago

James O'Brien in the LBC studio

James O'Brien's Must-Watch Take On The Tories Trying To Topple Theresa May

Ages ago

Theresa May making her statement outside Downing Street

Theresa May's No Confidence Vote: What Happens Now?

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari spoke to David Gauke

Article 50 Will Be Extended If Theresa May Loses Confidence Vote, Minister Says

Ages ago

Theresa May

No Confidence Vote In Theresa May Triggered By Tory MPs

Ages ago

David Jones thinks Theresa May's days are numbered

Former Brexit Minister: Vote Of No Confidence In PM Coming Within Days

Ages ago

Crispin Blunt told LBC some Tory MPs feared Theresa May would find out if they submitted a letter

Tory MPs Fear PM Will “Find Out” If They Submit Letters Of No Confidence

Ages ago

The business minister warned Jacob Rees-Mogg live on LBC

Business Minister Issues Direct Brexit Plea To Jacob Rees-Mogg

Ages ago

Nigel Farage

World Laughing At Us Over PM’s Handing Of Brexit: Nigel Farage

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg in the LBC studio

Jacob Rees-Mogg's Top 3 Picks For Prime Minister

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg in the LBC studio

ECJ Judgement On Article 50 Is Completely Irrelevant, Insists Jacob Rees-Mogg

Ages ago