Latest Conservatives News

Theresa May with Donald Tusk in Egypt for the Arab-EU Summit

Theresa May Delays Second Meaningful Vote On Her Brexit Deal

Ages ago

John Redwood tells Nigel Farage that Theresa May needs to hold her nerve on Brexit

Brexit Will Happen If Theresa May Holds Her Nerve: John Redwood

Ages ago

Andrew Bridgen tells Matt Frei that Anna Soubry should face by-election after quitting Conservative Party

Anna Soubry Should Face By-Election After Quitting Conservatives, Says Andrew Bridgen

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg tells LBC why he is AGAINST revoking Shamima Begum’s UK citizenship.

Jacob Rees-Mogg Says He’s AGAINST Revoking Shamima Begum’s Citizenship

Ages ago

Theo Usherwood grilled Anna Soubry over Brexit on Thursday

Anna Soubry Doesn’t Rule Out Backing PM’s Brexit Deal To Stop No Deal

Ages ago

Anna Soubry had this message for Philip Hammond

Anna Soubry Tells Chancellor Why She Won't Rejoin The Conservatives

Ages ago

Anna Soubry in the LBC studio

Anna Soubry Hosts LBC Show: Watch The First Hour In Full

Ages ago

Nigel Farage slammed the Tory trio on his LBC show

“Hypocrites!” Nigel Farage’s Damning Verdict On The Tory Splitters

Ages ago

Anna Soubry confronted by an angry LBC caller on Wednesday

Anna Soubry Confronted By Angry Tory Activist: “You’ve Embarrassed Yourself!”

Ages ago

Shelagh Fogarty took on Damian Green on Wednesday

Shelagh Fogarty Battles Damian Green MP Over Tory Splitters

Ages ago

Anna Soubry

Three Conservative MPs Resign To Join Independent Group

Ages ago

Angela Smith, Shaun Bailey

Tory London Mayor Candidate Reacts To Angela Smith's "Funny Tinge" Remark

Ages ago

Sir Christopher Chope was defended by Jacob Rees-Mogg on Monday

Rees-Mogg Defends Anti-FGM Bill Blocking MP Christopher Chope

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg

Tory To My Toenails: Rees-Mogg Dismisses Suggestion He'll Quit Conservatives

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg’s warning to anti-Brexit MPs: “If you had European elections, my guess is Tommy Robinson would do extremely well”

Tommy Robinson Would Do “Extremely Well” In EU Elections: Rees-Mogg

Ages ago

Dr Phillip Lee joined Shelagh Fogarty on Friday

Tory Remainer Says Theresa May WILL Pivot Towards No-Deal Brexit

Ages ago

ERG member Marcus Fysh was given an Iain Dale grilling

Iain Dale Gets Tough With ERG MP: “You’re Putting Brexit At Risk!”

Ages ago

Garden Bridge London

How The Garden Bridge Fell Down: LBC's In-Depth Investigation

Ages ago