Latest Conservatives News

John Barnes and Shelagh Fogarty did battle live on LBC

John Barnes Defends Amber Rudd Over "Coloured" Row In Fiery LBC Interview

Ages ago

Philip Hammond spoke to LBC on Thursday morning

Philip Hammond Tells Police Forces: “Divert Resources To Tackle Knife Crime”

Ages ago

Shelagh Fogarty was left "stunned" by Amber Rudd's "coloured" remarks

Shelagh Fogarty’s Immediate Reaction To Amber Rudd's “Coloured” Remark

Ages ago

Alan Johnson spoke to LBC on Wednesday

Alan Johnson Accuses Theresa May Of Talking “Rubbish” Over Police Cuts

Ages ago

James O'Brien, Theresa May

James O'Brien Analyses Theresa May's Denial That Police Cuts Led To Rise In Violent Crime

Ages ago

Iain Dale and Dr Kehinde Andrews

Fury As Guest Claims You Can’t Be A Black Activist And A Tory

Ages ago

Matt Hancock will be in the LBC studio

Health Secretary Matt Hancock Live On LBC: Watch In Full

Ages ago

Andrew Bridgen, Ian Payne

MPs Would Be Stupid To Take No-Deal Off The Table: Brexiteer

Ages ago

James O'Brien had some strong words for Chris Grayling

If Chris Grayling Was TRYING To Be Incompetent, He Still Wouldn't Be This Incompetent: James O'Brien

Ages ago

The business minister joined Nick Ferrari on Wednesday

Business Minister Says He Was Prepared To Quit To Stop No-Deal Brexit

Ages ago

Nigel Farage and Gina Miller found a rare moment of agreement

Nigel Farage And Gina Miller Find Something On Brexit They Agree On

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari spoke to Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay

Nick Ferrari Tells Brexit Secretary To Stop Blaming Chaos On Labour

Ages ago

Labour MP Jess Phillips

Jess Phillips' Plea For Theresa May To Vote Against No-Deal Brexit Is Very Powerful

Ages ago

Fredrik Reinfeldt spoke to Iain Dale on Monday night

Former Swedish PM Urges Theresa May: “Delay Brexit To Avoid Hard Brexit”

Ages ago

Nick Boles spoke to Eddie Mair on Monday

Nick Boles MP Says Tory Party Must “Resist” Deselection Plotters

Ages ago

James O'Brien had some tough questions for Damian Hinds

James O'Brien Presses Cabinet Minister On Theresa May's Latest Brexit Delay

Ages ago

Parliament needs to allow for an extension of Article 50 if Theresa May can't secure a deal, says Dominic Grieve

Dominic Grieve: If Theresa May Has No Deal, Parliament Has To Prepare To Extend Brexit

Ages ago

Theresa May tries her hand at pool with the Italian Prime Minister

"Hopeless" Theresa May Plays Pool With Italian Prime Minister

Ages ago