Latest Conservatives News

Conservative MP Andrea Leadsom in the LBC studio

Andrea Leadsom Admits Up To £12bn Has ALREADY Been Spent On HS2

Ages ago

Andrea Leadsom in the LBC studio

Andrea Leadsom Grilled By LBC Listeners: Watch In Full

Ages ago

Jeremy Hunt speaking to LBC from Stansted Airport

Jeremy Hunt: Sadiq Khan "Virtue Signalling Of The Worst Kind" For Boycotting State Visit

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari spoke to Rory Stewart

Tory Leadership Hopeful Rory Stewart Names The Person He Thinks Can Solve Brexit Deadlock

Ages ago

Rory Stewart is in the LBC studio

Tory Leadership Hopeful Rory Stewart Grilled By Listeners: Watch In Full

Ages ago

Conservative Leadership candidates

LBC To Host Hour-Long Phone-Ins With Conservative Leadership Candidates

Ages ago

Charlie Elphicke on the migrant crisis

Christmas Migrant Crisis Will Become 'Summer Surge', Says MP For Dover

Ages ago

Jacob Rees-Mogg will be taking your calls on LBC.

The Jacob Rees-Mogg Show: Watch In Full

Ages ago

The Nigel Farage Show only on LBC

The Nigel Farage Show On LBC: Watch In Full

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari asked Philip Hammond if he'd serve under the next Prime Minister

Chancellor Admits: I Wouldn't Win Tory Leadership As I'm Not Eurosceptic

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari can't believe what he's hearing from Baroness Wheatcroft

The Interview With Tory Baroness Wheatcroft Which Infuriated LBC Listeners

Ages ago

The Brexit Party leader will be live from the heart of the EU Parliament.

The Nigel Farage Show On LBC: Watch In Full

Ages ago

Iain Dale on LBC

Iain Dale’s Cross Question: Watch Again

Ages ago

Nick Ferrari was speaking to Andrew Pierce.

The "Unedifying" Reason There Are So Many Tory Leadership Candidates

Ages ago

Boris Johnson in front of the controversial bus

Boris Johnson To Face Court Over £350m For The NHS Claim

Ages ago

Matt Hancock in the LBC studio

No-Deal Brexit Isn't An Option For Any Prime Minister, Insists Matt Hancock

Ages ago

Nigel Farage was live from the EU Parliament in Brussels.

Nigel Farage Invites Tory Leadership Hopeful Jeremy Hunt Onto His Show To Discuss Brexit

Ages ago

The MP has extensive experience in international relations.

Rory Stewart The Tory Leadership Hopeful Whose Life Brad Pitt Wants To Film

Ages ago