Latest Conservatives News

Nigel Farage thinks a General Election is coming

Nigel Farage: "Mark My Words, There Is A General Election Coming"

Ages ago

Nigel Farage, only on LBC

Caller Tells Nigel Farage He's Not Welcome In Scotland

Ages ago

The Tory Party Vice-Chair

Conservative Party Vice-Chair Tells LBC There Is No Brexit Plan B

Ages ago

James O'Brien was speaking about new Prime Minister Boris Johnson

James O'Brien Explains How He Thinks Boris Johnson As Prime Minister Will Work Out

Ages ago

Nigel Farage only on LBC

The Nigel Farage Show On LBC: Watch In Full

Ages ago

Philip Lee MP speaking to LBC from College Green

Phillip Lee: The Tory Party Doesn't Feel Like A Broad Church Anymore

Ages ago

Prime Minister Theresa May leans on the Minister for the Cabinet Office David Lidington during her last Prime Minister's Questions in the House of Commons, London.

Who Didn’t Make Boris Johnson’s New Cabinet? The 17 Minister Dumped From Government

Ages ago

Boris Johnson will give his first Commons statement today

Boris Johnson's First House Of Commons Statement: Watch It In Full

Ages ago

Will Jeremy Corbyn put in a motion of no confidence in the new Prime Minister

If Labour Want To Force Pre-Brexit Election, They Have To Do It TODAY

Ages ago

US Ambassador Woody Johnson joined Nick Ferrari in the LBC studio

US Ambassador: The Similarities Between Boris Johnson And Donald Trump

Ages ago

Boris Johnson's Cabinet is actually Remain-heavy

Boris Johnson's Cabinet: How Did They Vote On Brexit And Theresa May's Deal?

Ages ago

Boris Johnson has picked his top team

Boris Johnson's Cabinet: Full List Of Government Ministers

Ages ago

Anti-Boris Johnson protestors march through central London

Downing Street In Lockdown As Anti-Boris Demonstration Takes Place

Ages ago

Nigel Farage on LBC

This Listener Thinks Boris Johnson Modelled Himself On Nigel Farage

Ages ago

Boris Johnson appoints Ministers

Boris Johnson Lines Up Top Team Of Brexiters And Loyal MPs

Ages ago

Boris Johnson makes his first speech as PM

Key Moments From Boris Johnson's Speech

Ages ago

Climate change protester block Boris

Climate Change Activist Who Blocked Boris Speaks To LBC

Ages ago

Boris Johnson is the new Prime Minister

Boris Johnson Is Now Prime Minister Following Meeting With The Queen

Ages ago