Tonight with Andrew Marr 6pm - 7pm
21 July 2018, 11:35 | Updated: 7 August 2018, 15:14
Jacob Rees-Mogg challenged a caller who claimed the EU Referendum was not an honest vote and undemocratic.
John, who called in from Woodford, told Jacob Rees-Mogg that the Brexit vote was "undemocratic" because it was "unhonest".
But the Tory backbencher fought back saying: "I think you're basically rejecting a democratic vote, and you don't trust the voters."
He asked: "Why was it not honest and not democratic?"
John replied: "Because I didn't get the facts and I'm not stupid!"
"I saw people walking up in walking sticks because they wanted to get their country back," John said.
Rees-Mogg cut in, noting that an old person's vote "is just as much valid as a young person's vote."
"Are you saying old people shouldn't be allowed to vote?" he asked.
"No," John said. "I'm saying they've got a view that they want to get back what was theirs."
Listen to the hilarious exchange in the video above.