Ian Payne 4am - 7am
28 September 2022, 18:06
'I've never actually been scared of my government.'
This LBC caller told Shelagh Fogarty he feels like Brits are in a petri dish as a government of 'ghouls' experiment with the economy.
Following Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng's announcement on Friday of how he aims grow the economy and tackle inflation, this caller told Shelagh Fogarty that he feels scared of his government.
"I feel genuinely scared of my government and I know there are other people who are in their 50's and looking at their pensions and thinking what am I going to do?”
He added: "As a society we are in a petri dish whilst they are allowed to experiment and play and do what they want to."
It comes as Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng has slashed taxes and removed the cap on bankers' bonuses in a bold [mini Budget] designed to help the government and the country tackle the cost of living crisis.
Mr Kwarteng told MPs in the House of Commons high taxes reduce the "incentive to work" and announced cuts to income tax, stamp duty, national insurance and corporation tax.
Read more: James O'Brien beyond baffled by mini-budget 'designed entirely to further enrich the richest'
The caller told Shelagh that if the nation "roar the Conservatives will feel it!"
Shelagh: "When you say roar do you mean vote?"
The caller responded: "There is no prospect of an election until 2024, but we've got to use everything that we have in our disposal to make our feelings heard"
"Hopefully if we all roar we can get rid of this ghoulish cabal within a few days or weeks"
The caller concluded saying that the government "are the kids at school you never wanted to hang out with and somehow they have their hands on the levers of power."
Read more: Tory MP brands mini-budget a communication 'error' that 'sent out the wrong signals'