'All the refugees we work with have the same hopes and dreams as everybody else', says charity worker

27 October 2022, 16:49

'All the refugees we work with have the same hopes and dreams as everybody else.'

Madeleine Wilson

By Madeleine Wilson

This refugee charity worker says Ukrainian refugees can't afford to "build a life" with the money the UK government provides.

This comes as Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine has accused Russian troops of "craziness" as they attempt to capture the eastern town of Bakhmut.

This charity worker who runs St Albans Refugees told Shelagh Fogarty her organisation support 400 people in three different hotels.

She continued to say she wants an embassy at Calais which would allow refugees to complete asylum claims, ensuring that they don't need to travel by boat.

The caller exclaimed: "If we don't organise safe roots, we will just continue in the way we are."

Read more: Boris Johnson considers starting organisation to support Ukraine as he eyes a new career on the international stage

With the cost of living crisis worsening, concerns have grown as to how Brits struggling to pay their bills will be able to continue hosting Ukrainian refugees.

UK Government figures say that from 24 February 2022 until 26 August 2022, 1,565 Ukrainian households have been registered as homeless by councils.

Shelagh asked the caller where the most "urgent" need for change is.

The caller said that it's with both the attitude and functioning of the Home Office.

"It comes from the top, and if the top aren't willing to move on processing things then the people at the bottom will find it all delayed."

In response, Shelagh asked: "So do you think it's been a deliberate sloth on the part of the Home Office?"

The caller answered: "I think with the politicians it's been a deliberate thing, I don't think with the people actually processing it's a deliberate thing."

Later adding: "All the refugees we work with have the same hopes and dreams as everybody else."

Read more: Afghan commando unit trained by Britain 'approached by Russia over Whatsapp' to fight in Ukraine.