Ian Payne 4am - 7am
27 December 2019, 10:05 | Updated: 27 December 2019, 10:28
Sheffield Hunt saboteurs posted a shocking video of their car being attacked with a dead fox as they protest against a Boxing Day hunt.
Hunt saboteurs claim they were met with violence on Boxing Day when they protested against the Badsworth Hunt near Kirk Smeaton in North Yorkshire.
In a video posted on social media, the anti-hunting activists are in their vehicle when a man runs up and appears to start hitting the window with a dead fox.
One of the saboteurs in the vehicle can be heard saying "they've got a dead fox, they've got a dead fox," as the man batters the window with the carcass.
Wildlife expert Chris Packham tweeted to say "If there is anyone in the U.K. left with any ambiguous ideas about whether we should end Foxhunting immediately then watch this.
"This is the 21st century in a so called civilised country and it’s beyond bloody belief."
On their Facebook page, Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs claimed local pro-hunt supporters "decide to be aggressive and block vehicles in and smash our window with a roadkill fox whilst also smashing bits off our vehicle!"
Protesters clashed with hunts across the country on Boxing Day over claims foxes were still being killed even though it was now illegal.
Fox hunting has been banned since 2004, but hounds now follow an artificially laid scent in an activity known as trail hunting.
The Countryside Alliance said more than 80 Boxing Day hunt meets were scheduled to take place across the UK the day after Christmas.
A spokesperson for North Yorkshire Police said: “Police are investigating an incident in the Kirk Smeaton area that occurred at about 12pm on 26 December 2019. Enquiries are at an early stage.”