Shelagh Fogarty 1pm - 4pm
Extraordinary Video Shows Knife-Wielding Robber In Clown Mask Tasered By Police
25 October 2019, 14:40
The officers were getting a drink in McDonald's when the robber tried to empty the tills.
A robber in a clown mask was caught on camera in a McDonald's in Coventry.
Unfortunately for him, two police officers from West Midlands Police were in McDonald's for their break.
The police approached the robber with a taser.
The masked robber had walked into the chain restaurant, in Earlsdon, with an eight-inch kitchen knife and demanded money from the tills.
The 41 year-old put the knife to the store manager's chest - and customers and staff fled the scene.
The police officers, however, tasered, disarmed and arrested the man on suspicion of robbery.
They then handcuffed him to the floor.