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Public urged to download NHS Covid-19 app to 'help protect loved ones'
24 September 2020, 06:00 | Updated: 24 September 2020, 12:45
Promoted by The NHS Covid-19 app
The public is being urged to download the NHS Covid-19 app in a bid to fight the virus and keep each other safe.
The app, which launched on Thursday, lets users know anonymously if they have been in close contact with someone who has coronavirus, so they can take the right action.
It is free and available to download for over 16s in England and Wales.
This weekend marks The Big App Download Weekend: where people from England and Wales can download the app, which has been designed to "help protect loved ones and stop the spread of coronavirus"
The app shows the risk level in any local area – based on the postcode district entered when it is downloaded.
A built-in QR code scanner will allow users to check in at venues in case an outbreak is linked to them.
NHS video explains new contact tracing app for England and Wales
People with symptoms can check them with the app to see if they match those of coronavirus based on the latest government guidance.
The app will then redirect users to book a test online.
Any positive results can be logged in the app, which will send anonymous notifications to any app user the person who has tested positive has been in recent close contact with.
It uses Apple and Google’s built-in Bluetooth technology, designed so that nobody will know who or where users are.