James O'Brien 10am - 1pm
26 March 2025, 00:21
The controversial assisted dying law has suffered a significant blow, as it is likely to be pushed back until at least 2029 - casting doubts over its chances of becoming law.
MPs in support of the bill have expressed fears that the law could never actually become legislation, as the delay will coincide with the next general election.
The current government might then be reluctant to stick to the embattled bill right before a general election, while a potential next government could then decide not to continue with the bill.
The delay was proposed by Kim Leadbeater, the Labour MP who is trying to get the bill over the line after it passed a historic Commons vote last year.
A spokesperson for Leadbeater said she “hopes and believes the service can be delivered more quickly” but the many changes the bill has undergone since the autumn meant it would “inevitably take longer to implement”.
“The bill now contains even stronger safeguards than when it was first tabled, with a new judge-led voluntary assisted dying commission and multi-disciplinary panels to examine every application. These will inevitably take longer to implement,” the spokesperson added.
LBC Exclusive: Kim Leadbeater is 'positive' the Assisted Dying Bill will pass
Read more: Isle of Man becomes first parliament in British Isles to pass assisted dying legislation
The delay marks the latest obstacle to the proposal to legalise assisted dying in England and Wales, which have sparked a national debate on the ethical implications of the law.
MPs are still considering and voting on various amendments to the Bill, which have led to the potential delay.
The committee scrutinising the bill has now approved a four-year so-called backstop for the full law to come into force if the Bill passes, doubling the original two-year maximum timeframe.
Leadbeater said she was disappointed to propose the extension and acknowledged the "upset" felt by some supporters of the Bill, but said it is "more important to do this properly than to do it quickly".
Another amendment brought the establishment of an assisted dying commissioner and expert panels to approve applications, replacing the High Court judge element which was scrapped earlier this month.
Three heartbreaking calls that shed light on the assisted dying debate
Tom Gordon, a Liberal Democrat MP who sits on the committee, told the Guardian that “delaying implementation risks pushing it beyond the next election, where it could be abandoned altogether”.
“We have thoroughly scrutinised and strengthened this bill, ensuring it is safe and robust. Every extra year means more unnecessary suffering for those who cannot afford to wait,” Gordon said.
Meanwhile, the Isle of Man's parliament became the first part of the British Isles to pass assisted dying legislation.
Its Assisted Dying Bill will be sent for royal assent, having had its final reading by members of the legislative council on Tuesday.
The Bill, for adults resident on the island for five years who have a terminal illness with a life expectancy of no more than 12 months, could formally become law later this year with an assisted dying service potentially in place by 2027.