Julia James: Trial date set for man accused of murdering PCSO

13 May 2021, 14:24

Callum Wheeler (left) will appear in court charged with the murder of PCSO Julia James
Callum Wheeler (left) will appear in court charged with the murder of PCSO Julia James. Picture: PA Images
Ewan Quayle

By Ewan Quayle

A trial date has been set for the man charged with the murder of PCSO Julia James.

Callum Wheeler, 21, from Aylesham, is accused of inflicting serious head injuries on the 53-year-old while she was out walking her dog.

Ms James was found dead in Akholt Wood, close to her home in Snowdown, Kent, on 27 April, with her Jack Russell dog Toby by her side.

READ MORE: Man charged with murder of PCSO Julia James

Wheeler was arrested last Friday and charged with the murder on Monday, first appearing at Medway Magistrates' Court the following day.

He appeared via video link from Belmarsh prison for the 12-minute hearing at Maidstone Crown Court on Thursday wearing a grey T-shirt and grey trousers with a black face-mask.

Julia James was killed while walking with her dog near her home in Snowdown, Kent
Julia James was killed while walking with her dog near her home in Snowdown, Kent. Picture: PA Images

He spoke only spoke to confirm his name and that he could hear the judge.

Prosecutor Martin Yale told the court: "Mr Wheeler is charged with the murder of Julia James on the 27th of April of this year."

He said that "a number of forensic inquiries" remain outstanding in relation to the case, including an iron bar.

READ MORE: Detectives release image of murdered PCSO Julia James to 'jog people’s memory'

Mr Yale described the attack on Ms James as "extremely violent" and Judge Philip Statman said he recognised that the case was "high profile".

No members of Ms James' family were in court on Thursday. Police officers sitting in the public gallery included Detective Chief Inspector Gavin Moss from Kent Police.

Judge Statman set a trial date for 29 November, with a plea and trial preparation hearing (PTPH) on 8 June.

No plea was entered to the murder charge and no application for bail was made by Wheeler's counsel, Lesley Manley.

The judge remanded the defendant in custody and said: "There being no application for bail, in the circumstances, having looked at all the matters, it is right and proper the defendant should remain in custody."

He told Wheeler: "Your next court appearance is going to be June 8, until that time you will remain in custody."

Kent Police are still appealing for witnesses in the case and earlier this week created a reconstruction of Ms James' last known movements, featuring Toby the dog and an actress wearing identical clothing.