Cruel birth mother who left Tony Hudgell needing double amputation back in prison over relationship with sex offender

9 June 2024, 23:24

The birth mother who abused brave Tony Hudgell and left him a double amputee is back in prison after "having a relationship with a sex offender".
The birth mother who abused brave Tony Hudgell and left him a double amputee is back in prison after "having a relationship with a sex offender". Picture: Alamy/Kent Police

By Chay Quinn

The birth mother who abused brave Tony Hudgell and left him a double amputee is back in prison after "having a relationship with a sex offender".

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Jody Simpson and Anthony Smith were sentenced to 10 years each in prison in 2018 for leaving brave Tony needing both legs amputated.

Simpson, 30, was released in February 2023 but has been recalled to prison for breaching her license conditions.

Read More: Double amputee, Tony Hudgell, 8, left stranded at Gatwick for five hours and £6,500 wheelchair ‘twisted and bent’

An HM Prison and Probation Service spokesperson said: “Offenders released on licence are subject to strict conditions and we do not hesitate to recall them to custody if they break the rules.”

The Sun has since reported she is back inside for having “a relationship with a convicted sex offender” but that has not been confirmed.

Speaking to KentOnline, Tony's adoptive mother Paula said: "We always knew it was a risk to release her and it looks like we were right, as was the then Justice Secretary Dominic Raab who used new legislation to keep her locked up beyond her automatic release date halfway into her 10-year sentence.

"It was then the parole board's decision to free her so hopefully now she has been recalled it will stop any further parole release until she has served the full 10-year sentence.

"What her shocking behaviour has proved is that she cannot be trusted and so, more than ever, a register is needed similar to that for sex offenders which keep track of all those convicted of child cruelty offences even after any licence period has expired."