Ben Kentish 10pm - 1am
30 July 2021, 16:06 | Updated: 30 July 2021, 16:11
Allemagne : Un entrepreneur en construction de la Forêt-Noire a délibérément endommagé un nouveau complexe résidentiel d'environ 30 appartements avec une excavatrice à Blumberg (Bade-Wurtemberg). Les dégâts s'élèvent à environ un demi-million d'euros. pic.twitter.com/6ECGtPd8r3
— Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) July 30, 2021
This is the shocking moment a builder caused half a million Euros worth of damage to a new block of flats after claims he had not been paid.
The footage shows the balconies on the new complex of apartments being torn down by the building contractor in the German city of Blumberg in the Black Forest.
After this he turned on some of the garages which were storing gas bottles, causing the police to cordon in the event of damage.
A local police force spokesperson said that the 47 year old contractor stated he did this out of "frustration" due to "unjustly withheld payments."
Allemagne : Après son acte de destruction, l'homme est monté dans sa voiture & est parti. Il s'est rendu à la police peu de temps après. Comme cause de la destruction massive, l'entrepreneur a réclamé des impayés qui, selon lui, lui ont été retenus à tort.https://t.co/ApnWxpK0Xy pic.twitter.com/zP5vO9WXuY
— Rebecca Rambar (@RebeccaRambar) July 30, 2021
The man is reportedly a subcontractor of the developer, and claimed to the police that he is owed five million euros in outstanding debts.
Local reports say the man hired the excavator simply for his protest campaign and only stopped when the hydraulic hose allegedly broke.
After the destruction, the man got in his car and drove away, but soon turned himself in to the police.